Below are details of our two most popular flower mixtures.

We can provide an Environmental Seed Mixture to meet your specific requirements. Email or give us a call with your specification:

[email protected]

+44(0)1834 861 904

Nectar Rich Flower Mixture

This seed mixture contains both short-term nectar rich and perennial wildflowers, chosen to provide an abundant supply of pollen and nectar-rich flowers between early and late summer.

Sown in a sunny, lower-yielding area it will provide an excellent food source for beneficial pollinators such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies.

Suitable for Environmental Schemes: CS AB1, SFI AHL1

Available as conventional seed, in 10 Kilo bags.

Sow at 5 kg/Acre

Flower Rich Mixture

This seed mixture contains both grasses and perennial flowers chosen to provide habitat and foraging sites for invertebrates (including wild pollinators) and birds.

Sown in a sunny, lower-yielding area it will provide an abundant supply of pollen and nectar-rich flowers throughout the summer.

Suitable for Environmental Schemes: CS AB8, SFI IPM2

Available as organic or conventional seed, in 8 Kilo bags.

Sow at 8 kg/Acre

For more information, download our brochure: